




二是「歷史是會重演的,英雄也會一直傳承下去」。Beowulf繼承他老爸, Wiglaf繼承Beowulf.....



作者  snowchiba ( 花錢花錢 ) 站內  English97
標題  [踢爆] 貝爾沃夫生死錄
時間  2005/12/03 Sat 21:57:25


























這個故事主要有兩個民族The Danes(國王Hrothgar)  in Denmark The Geats(Beowulf)  in Sweden故事重點呢。


[Prologue:The rise of the Danish nation]

[Heorot is attacked]

[The hero comes to Heorot]

[Feast at Heorot]

[The fight with Grendel]

[Celebrating at Heorot]

[Another attack]

[Another celebrating at Heorot]

[Beowulf returns home]

[The dragon wakes]

[Beowulf attacks the dragon]

[Beowulf's funeral]











The king of Denmark, Hrothgar, built a great hall, Heorot, to show his power.  He held party there everyday, and the loud happy sound waked up a monster, Grendel.  Grendel was very angry and his started to eat people in the hall, making everyone dare not to go there.  The king failed to fight with Grendel, and this news spared through every country.  After 12 years, Beowulf sailed from Sweden to Denmark to help Hrothgar beat Grendel, because Hrothgar once help Beowulf's father, Edgetho.  There was a courtier named Unferth, who always argued with people who came from other country, doubted Beowulf's ability, and he argued with Beowulf in the greeting party, and Beowulf proved himself that he had the power and strength that he could kill Grendel.


Beowulf waited in Heorot, and Grendel came there in the night. Beowulf grabbed Grendel when he was eating one of Danish solider.  In a fierce one-on-one fight Beowulf used his great hand-strength to tear Grendel's arm off and put it on the roof of Heorot.  Grendel wound heavily and went away to his mother's  under-water cave to die. After seeing the arm of Grendel, everyone lived in Denmark was ecstatic very much and they had a party for Beowulf, celebrating the death of Grendel. Hrothgar adopted Beowulf as his own son.


    The next night Grendel's mother came to Heorot seeking revenge and she took Hrothgar's favorite adviser, Esher, back to her cave.  The next day King Hrothgar asked Beowulf to go saving Esher and killing Grendel's mother.  Beowulf pursued her into her cave and there he fought her and cut her head with a magic sword hanged on the wall of the cave.  After he killed her he wandered through her cave and found Grendel lying dead and he also cut off Grendel's head. Everyone had a party and king gave Beowulf lots of treasure, and then Beowulf went back to his hometown and eventually became king there.




      Fifty years later there was a thief who stole a goblet from the treasure, which it had guarded for three hundred years of a dragon, so the dragon went on a fire-breathing rampage through the countryside.  Beowulf confronted the dragon and other solider were afraid of the dragon except for one, Wiglaf.


 Wiglaf helped Beowulf; however, the dragon bit Beowulf on the neck during the fight.  Wiglaf wound the dragon and Beowulf used sword to cut the dragon in half.  Finally, they got the treasure of the dragon but Beowulf died, before he died, he asked Wiglaf to build a tower for him.  In the end of this story,everyone was held a funeral for Beowulf.





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